Tips On How To Improve Cyber Security

Cyber security is a huge component, and since companies carry risks at different levels, their approach to cyber security varies. Insurance companies appreciate that some businesses carry greater risks, so they don’t offer blanket cyber insurance.

Businesses also have to take measures to make it harder for hackers to access the data. Here are some tips on how to boost cyber security.

Zero Trust

Zero trust is a concept that is based on two things.

  • Never trust.
  • Always verify.

For years, companies operated on trust. There was a general belief that everyone had the best interest of the business at heart. However, as cyber security became a threat, businesses realized it is no longer a question of who to trust. It was about protecting sensitive data.

Zero trust helps address the elephant in the room, where is the sensitive data and how is the business protecting it?

Cyber security addresses zero trust in four specific paths.

  • That only the right users can get into the system.
  • That they only have the right access.
  • That they only get to the right data.
  • That access to data is only for the right reason.

So, users are given different controls to access authorized data. This creates different layers in the system and a range of barriers. Besides limiting access to information in the organization, the layers also create roadblocks should there be a cyber attack.

Use Cyber Security Monitoring Tools

Most businesses use the latest technology in their systems. Clients can shop online and pay without coming into the store. They have systems that can keep track of sales and stock, so you know when to restock, and which items sell quickly. It’s amazing.

Unfortunately, some businesses have failed to use the latest tools to monitor their systems.

Some of the tools and tests you can use to monitor the state of your cyber security include;

  • Encryption tools.
  • Vulnerability scanning tools.
  • Penetration testing.
  • Network intrusion detection.
  • Firewall tools.
  • Packet sniffers.

When you monitor your systems regularly, you will notice potential threats before hackers access your system.

Threat Management

Cyber attackers do not just wake up one morning and compromise your system. Sometimes, there are telltale signs that something is wrong. You will need to be proactive and find suspicious things going into your system.

For example, if phishing has been a problem, you need to educate the staff on the risks of opening links without verifying if they are authentic or not. You’ll need to find out if your company is a target and then fix the issue.

Have an Incident Playbook

What happens when there is a cyber attack? Many companies waste a lot of time (which they don’t have) panicking about a possible data breach. However, this only happens when you consider hacking an unexpected event.

When you approach an insurer and request cyber insurance protection, you need to know the steps you need to take before making a claim. Cyber security insurance affects so many people, and you need to know how to act to mitigate the impact on your business, property, and clients.

Your employees need to know the steps they should take as soon as they discover a problem with the system. Should they call management first, or should the IT department be notified first so that they can confirm the breach?

The worst time to come up with a mitigation plan is when everyone is pointing fingers at one another over who knowingly or unknowingly invited cyber attackers into the system.

An incident playbook will ensure everyone follows the same protocol when your business is targeted by cyber attackers. You can deal with the fallout later.

Cyber attacks take different shapes, and they keep evolving. You may need to keep adjusting cyber management techniques, depending on how ambitious the attackers get. However, what you cannot do is sit back and hope your system doesn’t get on their radar.

As long as you have a website and carry out online transactions, you are at risk and it’s time to get protected.